Please contact the church office at 663-3524, or email Worship Director, Brenda Austin
for rehearsal times or more information about FUMER's Music Department.
for rehearsal times or more information about FUMER's Music Department.
Chancel ChoirCHANCEL CHOIR is made up of approximately 25 members – and is the main choir for the 9:00 services. Practice is in the Music Room on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., September – May. Elizabeth Reed, Chancel Choir Director, can be reached at 663-3524 for choir inquiries.
Chalice BandCHALICE PRAISE BAND directed by Matt Randle, includes vocalists, keyboard, guitar, drums and plays primarily for the 10:30 contemporary service and special events. It is open to anyone desiring to praise God through music. Practice is Thursdays from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Joy SingersJoy Singers is directed by Jean Burk (663-6959) and is open to 4-year-old through 6th grade. Practice is on Mondays at 4:30 p.m in Room 221 from September – May. Children's Choir members grow spiritually together as they learn how to serve the Lord with their time and talents and raise God through music.