Building Use Guidelines
We view the use of our church campus as a tool God has given us to
further His vision by providing a loving home for people to come to
know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in our community and beyond. It
is our desire to provide facilities and equipment which will meet or
exceed expectations. We have suggested reasonable fees to cover the
use of utilities, equipment, set-up, special preparation and custodial
services. Usage approval takes into consideration scheduled church
programs, church doctrine and policies. It is not our intent to be in
competition with the private sector but rather our intent is to help
people become followers of Jesus and have a good time on the journey.
F.U.M.E.R. Mission Statement
Connect with God and Others
Grow in Faith and Love
Serve one another
further His vision by providing a loving home for people to come to
know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in our community and beyond. It
is our desire to provide facilities and equipment which will meet or
exceed expectations. We have suggested reasonable fees to cover the
use of utilities, equipment, set-up, special preparation and custodial
services. Usage approval takes into consideration scheduled church
programs, church doctrine and policies. It is not our intent to be in
competition with the private sector but rather our intent is to help
people become followers of Jesus and have a good time on the journey.
F.U.M.E.R. Mission Statement
Connect with God and Others
Grow in Faith and Love
Serve one another