Building Use Groups-Updated September 2022
Protecting the liability and non-profit status of FUMER (tax exempt/sales tax status of property)
- Church Ministry (any group where FUMER provides leadership)
- Bible Studies: Pastor’s Bible Journaling, Pastor’s Stretch with Scripture
- Cinderella’s Closet
- Eaton Rapids Weekend Food Backpacks
- Friendship Group
- FUMER music groups: Chancel Choir, Cherub Choir, Chalice Band, Strikepoint, Jubilate, Allegro, FUMER Flutes
- Funeral Luncheons
- GALS – Grief aftercare lunch
- Grief Support Group
- Small Blessings Daycare
- Study Groups
- United Women of Faith Groups: Circles, Rummage Sales
- Youth Groups
- Church Sponsored Groups
- Blood Drives
- Community Christian Action Group (CCAG)
- Eaton Rapids Medical Center Auxiliary Purse Bingo
- Humpty Dumpty Fundraiser
- Pickleball
- Scouts: Boy Scout Troop #52, Girl Scouts Troop #’s 459 & 30031 (Institutional Representative signs Annual Contract)
- Community Groups
- For Profit Groups
- Freed Driver’s Education
- Shelly Sysum, MSW
- Yoga